火博体育官网 Foundation Scholarship Acceptance


火博体育官网 Foundation




Congratulations Scholarship Recipients!




Using the Scholarship Agreement that you received from the 火博体育官网 Foundation office, please complete the appropriate acceptance below. Please use caution in choosing the correct acceptance, if you have any questions, please contact the Foundation office at 575-492-2785 or 575-492-2782.               




火博体育官网 Foundation Scholarship Recipients:


Finis Heidel Scholarship Recipients:


1. Accept your 火博体育官网 Foundation Scholarship here


1. Accept your Finis Heidel Scholarship here


2. Review "Thank you" letter criteria here  


2. Review "Thank you" letter criteria here  


3. Example of "Thank you" letter format here       


3. Example of "Thank you" letter format here




For additional information, please contact Tina Kunko @ 575-492-2782 or tkunko@madorders.com